When Chandra wins, everybody wins!

“My father played the lottery when it literally first started, and I have an actual copy of one of the first (New York) lottery tickets. I don't remember what year it was, but I was in high school, about to go to college and my father hit this number 2-0-4-0—and he won SO much money. I don't think I really started getting into the lottery until after daddy won that money.”

“We thought he was going to split it with us and I remember just thinking about what we're going to do with our portion of the money. (He didn't just give us like a $1,000—so he must have won a lot!) My father was that type. He had a really great job. My mother was a nurse. He was the type that probably put $20 on the number, and I don't even know where 2-0-4-0 came from.”

This time around, Chandra already had a plan for her winnings.

“I am a detail oriented person. I plan every single thing in my life. So I had already planned how I was going to spend the money. I invested a majority of it. I gave my son $3,000. I bought some things for my daughter, and offered some to my three brothers.”

“I love the fact that if I don't feel like going to the store or if I've already went to the store and put my numbers in and taken my bath for the evening and I have my PJs on and go, ‘Oh crap, I wanted to play this extra number.’ I just go to my phone and put it in Jackpocket. I love, love, love the convenience of it.”

About Us

The Jackpocket lottery app is the convenient, fun, and responsible way to play the lottery. We operate out of New York and Santa Barbara with a team of 200 superhumans and 1 Maybelle, our very photogenic office pup. Play now in Arkansas, Colorado, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Texas, and Washington, DC.